OHuddle Hour
is a quarterly experience promoting self care for teachers and mentors who work with OHuddle students.
Secondary traumatic stress is the emotional duress that results when an individual hears about the firsthand trauma experiences of another. Many teachers, counselors, and mentors who work with students in trauma experience secondary traumatic stress but are unaware of the impact.
When caregivers engage in daily problem solving, support, and treatment with students who have experienced adverse events, engagement can take an emotional toll that compromises professional functioning and diminishes quality of life.
OHuddle promoted this self-care series to improve the health and self awareness process of volunteers and teachers, thus ensuring that children consistently receive the best possible care from those who are committed to helping them.
The OHuddle Hour series integrates community volunteers to provide self-care donations and experiences for participants.
Research shows that experiences of play, creativity, relaxation, life organization, and hope-based messages improve building or agency culture and have a positive trickle down affect on student outcomes.
One participant of OHuddle Hour stated: "This has improved building culture in a major way!"
School administrators and Building Leadership teams select their OHuddle Hour themes, dates, and events. Below are some of the themes used throughout the years:
Want to have say in which OHuddle Hours come to your school building? Take the below two minute survey to provide input:
Motivational Speaker & Artisan Coffee delivered to your room
Therapy puppies & Smoothies
Bullet Journaling & Cupcakes
Capsule Wardrobe & Stylist Voucher
Brunch for Lunch & Meal planning
Hydration Olympics & team prizes
Football game tailgate & exercise vouchers
Chair massages & Infused waters
Meditation & Family Dinner takeaway
Aromatherapy & Personalized oil packs
Yoga & Fruit Parfaits
Mocktail & Canvas
Desk Bouquet Arranging
Below are past OHuddle Hour Calendars selected by each building served with regular 1:1 OHuddle Mentorship. Events are open to all school staff, school-based community partners, and OHuddle mentors for that building.
Events always include:
a self care skill + giveaway
The goal is to teach participants a strategy to reduce their daily stressors.
Definitions of secondary trauma provided by: The National Child Traumatic Stress Network